34 Star Wars Memes Are Out Of This Galaxy

Internet memes are rewarded with popularity for their repetition of recognizable ideas. Besides the fact that he evolves into Darth Vader, one of the most evil villains in the Star Wars universe, there was also that little incident with the Jedi younglings in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. A character that trained his nephew in the ways of the Force only to see him turn away towards the dark side, he almost tried to end Ben Solo which led him to become the Sith Lord known as Kylo Ren.

To end this montage of the funniest Star Wars memes, I present to you the absolute best example of them: "Written and Directed by George Lucas." These are by far the most hilarious and probably the most stupendous of them all, sidestepping the boundary of fact and showcasing a brilliant inclusion of alternate endings that could have made the storyline much shorter.

As we talked about before, this is a franchise that has people who literally base their entire lives around it. Some guys and gals can name to you all of the planets in any given system of the Star Wars universe. This includes trying to start meme wars”, trashtalking other subreddits, and encouraging others to start a war.

And that includes the movie which shall not be named that you think was the worse Star Wars of all times. Now, when you've got the correct order, and watch all of the movies, it's time to dig deeper into the depths of Star Wars fandom. Meme With the release of Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, and an unholy berth of saga additions on the horizon, it's pretty much a given that the universe far, far away isn't going anywhere for quite some time.

Well Whadya Know is a memorable quote uttered by the alien character Dex in the film Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. The best Star Wars memes in the galaxy. Regardless of how serious the tone of the Star Wars franchise is, this would turn any epic battle into nothing more than squabbling kids.

So, a scene depicting a heartbroken Kenobi who turns off a security hologram of his pupil Anakin killing children, transforms into an annoyed Kenobi turning off a screening of The Last Jedi (2017), the Star Wars film most daring in its condemnation of Star Wars' own problematic themes, and therefore the most notorious in prequel meme circles.

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